Teenage girls fighting
Two teenage girls fighting on Jaipur roadIBTimes India

Two girls on Friday, June 8, created a ruckus on the streets of Jaipur after they broke out into a serious physical fight on the road for not giving side to each other while riding a scooter.

The brawl badly affected the traffic movement as the girls were inseparable while beating the hell out of each other in the middle of the road. The passersby, however, tried to intervene and stop the fight between them while some onlookers recorded the scuffle in their mobile phones. 

The video shows a girl wearing a pink top kicking the other girl hard in the groin area while the latter's friends (supposedly) were seen trying to stop her from indulging in a fight. People gathered at the spot were also seen trying to clear the traffic as the entire road got blocked due to the quarrel.

Take a look.